玩學法 Gameful Learning & 比遊法 Game & Competition Method

It is a challenging task to educate a child. Parenting and Teaching a child is incredibly difficult and demanding, kids and teens are more complicated these days. They absorb new information everyday and they are constantly evolving. Some traditional teaching methods are becoming obsolete and they cannot be applied on the young generation anymore.

Kids are exposed to video games, cellphones, youtube. Their attention spans become shorter and shorter. Motivating a student to pay attention and learn in school is more challenging than ever. In order for students to learn, they must focus and process the information. However it is more and more difficult to draw attention from students. In ideal case, students should listen to the teachers and actively engage what is being taught. As teachers and parents, we want our kids to be active learner, but how?

Kids love to learn.
Kids love to play.
Why can’t we combine them?


Robert Sternberg, a cognitive scientist,
 says, "Learning is any relatively permanent change
 in the behavior, thoughts, or feelings of an organism
that results from experience."

Game & Competition Method helps to:

1) Set objectives (tasks) – objectives have to be simple and easy to handle. Since our working memory is limited, breaking down tasks into simple ones are extremely important for kids to manage.

2) Connect objectives – Learning is about connecting new knowledge to existing knowledge. Any new learning must, in some fashion, connect with what learners already know.

3) Be effective - All students can only process a limited amount of information at a time. Working memory is where we do problem solving, decision making, reasoning and it is very limited. As teacher, we should NOT overwhelm students’ cognitive load (working memory). Setting meaningful and straight forward objectives are crucial for learning to be effective and efficient.

4) Build up Sense of belonging - Once students get used to the system, they will be attached and feel comfortable when they learn and be rewarded from the method system.

5) Avoid negative reinforcement - We need to avoid students to fall into the NEGATIVE CYCLE. Once students lost interest in study, they have lowered expectations, diminished confidence and falling behind. Studies found that non-cognitive factors like psychological and social considerations are influencing students learning.


Written by
Stephen S. C. Yip
Founder of Study.ca
Founder of TS Education
Experienced Educator